Operational Planning Studies

Studies to optimize public transport operation
Once a public transport offer has been designed it is necessary to understand the resources needed to implement it, i.e., to determine accurately, in an optimized way, the number of vehicles and drivers to allocate at peak hour.
This calculation is fundamental, both for the calculation of the operation’s costs, becoming determinant, both for the Transport Authorities that launch the Public Tenders and for the transport operators that prepare their bids with professionalism and rigour. Only then can the former know how to set an acceptable Base Price and the latter can rigorously prepare a competitive bid, with its profit margin.
OPT is specialized in this type of study, using its SW GIST, a decision support system for public transport planning . Thus, an operational planning study includes the analysis of the current offer and its schedule adjustment and the definition of the network with calculation of speed estimates. The operational planning is optimized based on the defined trips and allows the quantification of the resources to be allocated to services.